Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) Center 

The Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) Center opened in fall 2018 and serves as the heart of violence prevention and response on campus. VIP Center seeks to achieve primary prevention — educational opportunities focused on stopping violence before it occurs — through a variety of workshops and awareness programs that are described on this webpage. Any of these workshops can independently be scheduled for your office, residence hall or organization.

Additionally, the VIP Center provides intervention services to survivors of sexual misconduct and gender-based violence. Whether an incident has happened on campus, off campus or before coming to campus, the VIP Center offers resources and confidential counseling through Transitions of PA, our local comprehensive crime center.

Located in lower-level of the Blough-Weis Library, the VIP Center is an open and inclusive space that values the opinions and beliefs of each of our students. We support and #believesurvivors, regardless of their race, gender identity, gender expression, class, neurodiversity or physical ability status, sexuality, immigration status and any other aspects of their identity. It is up to all of us as a Susquehanna University community to keep one another safe. It’s On Us to #ProtectTheNest.

Below are additional resources and reporting tools for the campus community.

Content warning: The following content contains a frank discussion of violence and sexual misconduct. Please view at your own discretion.

Seal of Prevention Recipient

Susquehanna University is a recipient of the Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention for demonstrating a commitment to digital prevention programs tied to student safety, well-being and inclusion.

Susquehanna was recognized for taking action to create a safer, more inclusive campus through comprehensive, evidence-based digital prevention education on issues such as sexual assault, alcohol misuse, mental health and discrimination.

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Contact Us

VIP Center

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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Phone & Email

Wynn Phillips director

Email Address